ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING Arma 3 - Sinkendes Schiff simulieren
Arma 3 - Sinkendes Schiff simulieren
Quelle: Forum | views: 1884

Das nachfolgende Skript habe ich in einem Arma3 Forum vor einigen Wochen gefunden und das habe ich nur leicht modifiziert.

Es geht hier darum Schiffe, welche in der Regel bei Arma3 als statisches Objekt existieren, möglichst realistisch sinken zu lassen. Dies nahm ich mal gleich in einer unserer Missionen auf :) .

Nach einigen Tests gefiel dieses Skript ganz gut. Sinkverhalten sah gut aus, da es hier auch mehrere Varianten gab. Lediglich die Rauchentwicklung war zwar gut, jedoch fehlte mir das Feuer dazu, welches ich dann mit einem "attach"-Befehl hinzufügte. Auch das Flamenbild sollte hier nicht gleich sein, so das ich die Feuerquelle in 2 verschiedene Größen zufällig auswähle.

Wie bekommt man das hin ?

Für die INIT-Zeile des Trawlers mit dem Variablennamen trawler_1

_null = [trawler_1, "RANDOM", 90] execVM "sinkTrawler.sqf";

sinkTrawler.sqf, welche man erstellen muss.

Call with:
[shipname, sinkside (optional), seconds to sink (optional), smoke TRUE/FALSE (optional)] execVM "sinkship.sqf";

Or simply:
shipname execVM "sinkship.sqf"

If sinking time is 0, it will be randomised between 60 seconds and 180 seconds
On default the sinkside is "LEFT BACK", sinking time 2 minutes, smoke emitter TRUE.

_null = [trawler1, "LEFT FRONT", 90] execVM "sinkship.sqf";

// Declare private variables
private ["_ship", "_sinktime", "_sinkside", "_smokeloc", "_smoke_e", "_smoke", "_x", "_y", "_z", "_x1", "_y1", "_x2", "_y2", "_x3", "_y3", "_z1", "_z2", "_z3"];

// Fetch and validate the parameters
_ship     = [_this, 0, objNull]      call BIS_fnc_param;
_sinkside = [_this, 1, "LEFT BACK"]  call BIS_fnc_param;
_sinktime = [_this, 2, 120]          call BIS_fnc_param;
_smoke    = [_this, 3, TRUE]         call BIS_fnc_param;

// Although it would be nice to implement damage to multiple locations, not today
if ( _ship getVariable ["ShipIsSinking", FALSE] ) exitWith {};
_ship setVariable ["ShipIsSinking", TRUE, TRUE];

// If _sinktime is 0, randomise the time between 1-3 minutes.
if (_sinktime == 0) then { _sinktime = 60 + random 120 };

// Get the default CenterOfMass of the trawler (which is [-0.17766, -1.72015, -8.49908])
_x = getCenterOfMass _ship select 0;
_y = getCenterOfMass _ship select 1;
_z = getCenterOfMass _ship select 2;

// Z values for sinking are the same for all sides
_z1 = _z + 1.0;
_z2 = _z + 4.0;
_z3 = _z + 8.5;

_smokeloc = [0, 0, -6];

// Convert the string in _sinkside to upper case
_sinkside = toUpper (_sinkside);

// If _sinkside is "RANDOM", choose a random side from the array
if (_sinkside == "RANDOM") then {
_sinkside = ["LEFT", "RIGHT", "LEFT FRONT", "RIGHT FRONT", "LEFT BACK", "RIGHT BACK"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

// Declare the variables for setCenterOfMass
switch (_sinkside) do
case "LEFT": 
    _x1 = _x - 1.0; _y1 = _y; 
    _x2 = _x - 1.7; _y2 = _y - 2.5;   
    _x3 = _x - 1.7; _y3 = _y;        
    _smokeloc = [-3, 0, -6];

case "RIGHT":
    _x1 = _x + 1.0; _y1 = _y;
    _x2 = _x + 1.7; _y2 = _y - 2.5;  
    _x3 = _x + 1.7; _y3 = _y;        
    _smokeloc = [3, 0, -6];

case "LEFT FRONT": 
    _x1 = _x - 0.6; _y1 = _y + 3.0; 
    _x2 = _x - 1.5; _y2 = _y + 5.0;   
    _x3 = _x - 1.7; _y3 = _y;        
    _smokeloc = [-3, 8, -6];

    _x1 = _x + 0.6; _y1 = _y + 3.0; 
    _x2 = _x + 1.5; _y2 = _y + 5.0;   
    _x3 = _x + 1.7; _y3 = _y;        
    _smokeloc = [3, 8, -6];

case "LEFT BACK": 
    _x1 = _x - 0.4; _y1 = _y - 2.5; 
    _x2 = _x - 1.5; _y2 = _y - 5.0;   
    _x3 = _x - 1.7; _y3 = _y;        
    _smokeloc = [-3, -8, -6];

case "RIGHT BACK":
    _x1 = _x + 0.4; _y1 = _y - 2.5; 
    _x2 = _x + 1.5; _y2 = _y - 5.0;   
    _x3 = _x + 1.7; _y3 = _y;        
    _smokeloc = [3, -8, -6];

// Actual effect stuff begins here

// Create the smoke emitter
if (_smoke) then
        _smoke_e = "#particlesource" createVehicle getPosATL _ship;
        _smoke_e setParticleClass "BigDestructionSmoke";
        _smoke_e attachTo [_ship, [0,-3,-0.3]];

        _fire =  ["MediumDestructionFire","BigDestructionFire"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
        _eFire = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _smokeloc;
        _eFire setParticleClass _fire;
        _eFire attachTo [_ship,[0,-3,-0.3]];

sleep 2;

// Slight tilt
_ship setCenterOfMass [[_x1, _y1, _z1], _sinktime * 0.33];
_ship setMass         [ 1500000,        _sinktime * 0.33]; // Normal mass of the trawler is around 1 270 000.

sleep (_sinktime * 0.33 + 0.5);

// Water reaches the deck, fire extinguished, tilt and mass increasing
//if (_smoke) then { _smoke_e spawn { sleep 3; deleteVehicle _this } }; // Delete the smoke emitter after a few seconds.
_ship setCenterOfMass [[_x2, _y2, _z2], _sinktime * 0.66];
_ship setMass         [ 3300000,        _sinktime * 0.66];

sleep (_sinktime * 0.66 + 0.5);

// Make sure the ship sinks to the bottom instead of hanging halfway through.
_ship setCenterOfMass [[_x3, _y3, _z3], _sinktime];
_ship setMass         [ 7000000,        _sinktime];  // Required mass depends on depth.

// Wait until the ship has reached the bottom, then 
// disable simulation to save on performance.

waitUntil { getPosATL _ship select 2 < 7 };
sleep 20;
_ship enableSimulation FALSE;


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